So, Be a Knight!

All it takes, one little thing. One silly little action from someone you once a part of your life to shake the whole foundation you’ve lived on. There can be so much going on and you might be getting through it, but just one little thing. It gets you into one of those downward spirals…

A Dark Night

When the sun falls below the horizon and the darkness fills the sky, I tend to think that there is some vulnerability in the night. There comes a point, where we tend to doubt what we knew was true. We tend to fall into an existential crisis in the worst case scenarios, or the Soul’s…

Strike a note

To be honest, When I close my eyes and look back, I did not see myself here. I had all my plans, a set list that after I joined my undergraduate program I will make happen. I had all these plans……and the universe thought otherwise. I think that the world puts so much focus on…

Swim across the river

I was trying to run my mind away on the treadmill yesterday, and realized I am also running away from certain feelings, acceptance of deeper yet simple truths. Yes, I am sensitive as a person. Yes, I love a lot. Yes, recently I have blamed myself for loving the wrong people and doubting my capabilities…


Love is beautiful, it is giving someone the power to destroy you but putting faith in them, that they will not. Unfortunately most often to be honest, the power is misused. But also, if they go away doesn’t mean that you didn’t love enough. Well, It is going to destroy you but it will also…

Letter for the lost love

Dear Old love, Today, I would do anything to have you read this letter as I just wanted to tell you with gone, it has all become better and clearer. I thought of love as a fairy tale, like any other teenage girl. The princess, the prince, the love and the happily ever after. After…

A New Door

The sun rose this morning, I woke up happy. As I was drinking my coffee, a simple yet powerful thought crossed my mind. I remembered my best friend ask me once, why are you feeling so much? So much for a person who made a choice to leave you? Really why would you give such…

The lost star

“The reason it is not how you wanted it to be, the reason they get away, the reason it didn’t happen is not always because of a person but mostly circumstance and time ” I tell myself and take in a deep breath. It has been bothering me for a while, hanging on top of…

Dissolve into love

Tonight I wonder why the moon did not come out, it never occurred to me that I am going to miss it this much. It used to fill my hollows with a sliver light, my mind with hope. I had neither now, did I trick myself into love? I wondered . I feel so low,…

The Cracks

Walking back home, I told myself that I was okay and it will all be okay. I did for a month now. Everything slowly has started making sense to me, I have finally let gone of all that hurt me. It was not easy, that I know but I also know that when it all…